Furnace Assembly

Glass Melting Furnace refractory bricking processes are our specialty as GlassTech Refractory. Refractory project and its application in Glass Melting Furnaces is a sensitive process that must be performed with great care. Determining the refractory materials suitable for your needs, finding the most ideal insulation material and the appropriate mortar, and bricking the furnace to exact dimensions are among the issues that directly affect the service life. While the furnace is being knitted, heat loss should be prevented as much as possible, unnecessary heat buildup should be avoided, the most heated areas in the furnace should be identified, and special processes should be applied to those areas, if necessary. These are all issues that require the professionalism and experience of GlassTech Refractory.

Glass Melting Furnace refractory bricking processes will save your business significantly in terms of production costs after such a delicate application. Because preventing heat loss will enable the furnace to use less energy while operating. Likewise, it will heat up faster and reach the desired temperature much more quickly. Meticulously performing the refractory bricking process and using appropriate materials will directly extend the life of the furnace and reduce repair costs. No matter what type of furnace you need, GlassTech Refractory offers you the highest quality materials and the most experienced refractory craftsmen. Studies show that more than 50% of energy leaks are prevented in furnaces that are manufactured properly. This rate means you'll save a lot of energy compared to your daily and annual operating hours.

Likewise, furnaces that are carefully installed will require less repairs. This means reduced repair costs in the long run. Of course, it is of great importance that you perform the periodic furnace refractory maintenance without delay. With its experienced team, GlassTech Refractory gets your projects right in practice without compromising quality and safety. Eliminating errors during the production phase also increases efficiency to be obtained. Your operating costs will decrease, your production will increase, and you won't have to stop production unnecessarily. GlassTech Refractory, which has completed refractory bricking projects of Glass Melting Furnaces (float glass, glass packaging, tableware glass line) for almost all of Turkey's most important companies, is also ready to add value to your business.

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